Tuesday, 3 December 2013

We have been learning the chacha slide. It is really fun .This is how it works.The boys get in one row and the girls are in another. Ms. Murray turns the music on. How the music goes is a long story that I will explain another time. That is how the chacha slide goes.

By Ezekiel

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

The Choir Performance

On Wednesday the 27th of November a few people went to Saxons field in the netball room. We sang to the elderly. We sang 7 songs. The first one was 'Vi la da vida', home, Kia kaha, Away in a manger, FĂ©liz navidad, Hello dolly and finally Ma te mahi. We also had a free lollypop from the elderly. I loved it!!!

By Ashley

Monday, 18 November 2013

The All Blacks

I went to see the All blacks at the hospital. It was really cool. I got to see 4 members of the team.

By Jack Green

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

America's Cup

Recently  New  Zealand  has  been  racing  in  the  recent  America's  Cup.  You  had  to  win  9  races.New  Zealand  had  won  8  race's  and  they  needed   to  win  1  more  race to  win  the  cup  but  they kept  losing  the  race's  and  then America  caught  up  to  New  Zealand.  Suddenly  it  was  the  last  race.  Come  on  New  Zealand  you  can  do  it!  But  America  won. 

 Have  a  safe  and  fun  holiday.    

By Levi

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

It may be the winning race...

Here in room 8 we have been watching the america's cup.If we win this one(19.9.13)it will be coming home with New Zealand!''oh no too windy, to bad''.Maybe tomorrow .I feel very nervous for them.

by Ashley       

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Our storys

In room 8 we have been making books for room 3.If we got stuck with characters,settings,problems and events there were little bags and we pulled a peace of paper out of the bags. My story is called super granny and mighty mouse because they were the characters I pulled out of the bags! We were not aloud to put violence in our stories because our audience are 6 year olds. I hope they enjoy it!

By Sharna!

Monday, 16 September 2013


In Room 8 we have been looking at a new web site www.kiwikidsnews.co.nz. It has lots of different news on it. This is one of them. A few days ago a 12 year old boy found a mummy in the corrner of his attic. They reakon his grandfather brought it back from his trip to egypt. It showed us a video of how mummification happens.

By Jaxon

Sunday, 15 September 2013

My family trip to Europe

"Hi there!"It's George from akomanga waru. As you probably already know I have been to Europe.Soon I should have a power presentation to show to you!

By George

Saturday, 24 August 2013



Jack got to learn the game of Boccia with his class mates last Wednesday. Watch this space to see what he thought of it...

I  liked  the game Boccia. I played with Ezekiel, Jack S and Sharna.

It was fun. The best part was the ramp.                                                                                                          
By Jack G

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Marble Season

At Stoke School it is marble season. What is marble season you ask? Well it is a season when Stoke School bring's marbles and challenge's other people to play.

They are two types of matches - keepsies and friendsies . Friendsies is when you are in a match and if you beat somebody you don't keep there marbles. Keepsies is when you win you can keep the marble that the person  v.s you with, but make sure you play nicely so your school won't be banned from it.

1.Play fairly.

2.Seniors don't v.s the juniors because the juniors will cry.

3.All you have to do is try and hit the other persons marble to win.

4. Have fun.

by Jared lee Duncan

Uncooked Slice Recipe

1 packet of wine biscuits
1/2 sultanas
1/2 cup coconut
2 crushed weetbix
125 grams butter
1/2 tin condensed milk

1. Gather all ingredients that we need.
2. Crush the packet of wine biscuits.
3. Put crushed wine biscuits in mixing bowl.
4. Add the sultanas to the mixing bowl.
5. Next add the coconut to the mixing bowl.
6. Finally add the crushed weetbix to the mixing bowl.
7. Melt together the butter and condensed milk in a pot on the stove or microwave.
8.Once it is melted together add it to the mixing bowl .
9. Mix all ingredients together well.
10. Press into tin.
11.Ice when cold.


By Michael

My Fabulous Holiday!

I had an exciting weekend on Saturday. My super Aunty Treena took me out to the fabulous movie in town to watch a movie call despicable me two.We had nice popcorn and a cold drink we had cola and l&p drink.
 After the movie me and my aunty treena went to my cousin cairo house and we played with the lego and       her annoying sister played with the lego as well. Finally me and aunty treena and my aunty casey and cairo and her sister drop of me home and I played on the street. 

By Aaliyah

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Looking forward to Term 3

Kia ora Akomanga Waru

I hope you all had a nice break during school holidays and that you are energized to get back into it on Monday! It's going to be a great term.

Ka kite

Ms Murray

Monday, 8 July 2013

In writing we created revolting recipes. They were  disgusting! We used adjectives to describe the ingredients. Here is my recipe. WARNING: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME

By Alex
Here we are in the flesh!

Friday, 5 July 2013

Science with Mr Logan!

We all got to go watch a really cool science experiment on Friday. We created a vortex from a big rubbish bin that had a shower curtain over one end and a hole in the other end. When Mr. Logan hit the shower curtain a smoke ring came out of the other end. 

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Horrible Hands

Karaka group read through a set of instructions and learnt how to make 'Horrible Hands'.  

Poor Michael, your finger finger broke off! 

Watch out Cairo and Brayden - you are turning ghastly green!!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


We got to see a cool puppet show about Matariki.

Time for something sweet...

Room 8 has been doing instructional writing this term.  

Our instructional writing has:
-A title
-Lists equipment or ingredients you will need
-Uses bullet points or numbered steps to clearly list what to do
-Sometimes we use pictures and diagrams to make it clearer for the reader

We decided to make some delicious uncooked slice by following a recipe. We had a lot of fun baking it and even more fun eating it. Take a look at our photos!

Watch this space and you will discover some disgusting, revolting, recipes...COMING SOON!