Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Time for something sweet...

Room 8 has been doing instructional writing this term.  

Our instructional writing has:
-A title
-Lists equipment or ingredients you will need
-Uses bullet points or numbered steps to clearly list what to do
-Sometimes we use pictures and diagrams to make it clearer for the reader

We decided to make some delicious uncooked slice by following a recipe. We had a lot of fun baking it and even more fun eating it. Take a look at our photos!

Watch this space and you will discover some disgusting, revolting, recipes...COMING SOON!



  1. Kathy McConnon7/02/2013 1:41 am

    Mmmmm that looks pretty tasty room 8:-)

  2. Standish family7/29/2013 3:43 pm

    Could you post the recipe, looks yummy!
